February 13, 2020
Chickenpox Vaccine, Coronavirus, Covid-19, HPV Vaccine, Immunization Coverage, Mandatory Immunization USA, MMR Vaccine, Polio Vaccine, Student Health Insurance Plan, TDAP Vaccine, US University Vaccines, US Vaccine Cost
The spread of Novel coronavirus (named Covid-19 by World Health Organization) that spread from Hubei province in China to rest of the world has led to countries imposing strict screening regulations for overseas travelers from entering their country. And although the medical fraternity is working frantically to develop vaccine against Covid-19, it may take another 12-18 months before it can be made available to general public.
However, there are certain other immunizations that are a must for international students who wish to go overseas for higher education. Countries like the U.S. require students to either show proof of previous immunization or get them immunized against certain specified diseases and infections before they start their classes.
In this blog, Student Cover brings you certain mandatory immunizations that a student must take to be allowed to study in the U.S. It also provides information on the cost of such vaccines as well as suggests ways to get them for free. Kindly note that immunization requirements may vary depending on the academic institution.
MMR Vaccine – The acronym MMR refers to Measles, Mumps and Rubella. While developed countries like the U.S. provide these vaccines to children between 1 to 6 years, adult students going from high-risk countries like India to the U.S. may also be required to take those vaccines.
Cost may range from $84 to $106 depending on the seller and the version of the vaccine.
TDAP Vaccine – The acronym TDAP refers to infectious bacterial diseases like Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis. Like MMR vaccine, these are also provided to children under the age of 7 years. However, adult students may also be required by the university or the college to get themselves immunized against those bacterial infections. However, if a student has a history of allergic reactions to vaccines, he/she must inform the doctor in advance before taking the vaccine.
Cost of TDAP vaccine may range from $75 to $180 depending on the seller and the vaccine version.
Polio Vaccine – In India, nationwide immunization program against Polio has led to complete eradication of the disease from Indian soil. However, despite that students going to the U.S. might be asked by their respective academic institution to take polio injection. In the U.S., Inactivated Polio Vaccine is given to protect people against polio.
Cost may range from $50 to $200 depending on the seller and the dosage.
Hepatitis B Vaccine – This vaccine is given to protect a person against Hepatitis B infection. Hepatitis B is a viral infection that affects the liver and is transmitted through blood or body fluids (i.e. during sexual intercourse). It is usually given to infants but adults who are also recommended to get themselves immunized against the virus.
Cost may range from $30 to $115 based on the brand & manufacturer.
Chickenpox Vaccine – Also referred to as Varicella vaccine because it is caused by highly contagious Varicella zoster virus, this vaccine helps in prevention of chickenpox. India, chickenpox is referred commonly to as the ‘Mata rog’. Indian students who have never had chickenpox or have not received chickenpox vaccine may be required to get it in the U.S.
Cost of Varimax may range from $150 to $165 depending on the seller and brand.
Meningitis Vaccination – Although Meningitis (also referred to as Meningococcal B), which causes swelling in the protective membranes covering brain or spinal cord, is very rare and resolves itself within a week, it may at times lead to medical emergencies. Therefore, some universities and colleges require students to get themselves immunized against such disease.
The cost may range from $100 to $150 depending on the seller and the brand.
HPV Vaccine – This Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine protects a person against infection from certain types of HPV virus that could lead to development of cancer, especially cervical cancer.
Cost of may be as high as $250 depending on several factors
As mentioned above, the cost of mandatory vaccines in the U.S. could be quite high. There are two ways a student can save money on such vaccines. A student can either get vaccinated in his or her home country where the cost of vaccine might be very high, or get himself or herself insured with student health plans such as Student Cover’s United Healthcare insurance plans like SC Plus or SC Elite which cover most mandatory preventive care vaccinations in the U.S. To know more about SC Plus & SC Elite plans, visit https://www.intlstudentcover.com/
Those getting vaccinated in their home country must get it done in a reputed or recognized medical institution and carry a certificate of immunization with them while leaving for the U.S.
It is essential for a student to get him or her vaccinated against diseases. It not only helps a student meet university and college requirements but also saves money in terms of medical expenses. Some common vaccinations required by universities and colleges in the U.S. are MMR, Polio, HPV, Meningitis, Chickenpox, Hepatitis B and TDAP. Students can save the cost of getting administered those vaccines in the U.S. by purchasing student health plans such as Student Cover’s UHC insurance plans which cover 100% cost of preventive care vaccinations.
Disclaimer: The content of this blog is based on personal research of the writer. Readers’ discretion is advised. Neither Student Cover nor the writer will be held responsible for any wrongful interpretation of the content of this blog.
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